Core categories


Main interview data

Weak suppression and control of impulsiveness

Striking wife and children without control of anger

[If the father (he) doesn’t get his way, he hits the children in anger.] (A, C)

[If quarrels between husband and wife become violently, he pulls her hair and drags her around.] (G)

Precedence of egocentric concerns over considerations of the family situation

[He started to play games as soon as he got home from work even if the child is screaming, but he told the wife ‘let’s play games, together’…] (F)

[He insists on his wife taking him to and from word and following his orders even when the wife is pregnant] (B)

Cognitive dissonance in the fatherhood role

“Holding views of child care and development of children at variance with those commonly accepted”

[He lifted the child holding the delicate neck of the one month old baby, and other rough behavior…] (D)

[He scolded the baby for crying and wetting of diapers.] (C, G)

Poor understanding of the role as a father, as well as a lack of understanding of the role of the father in family support

[Baby was born early; the mother had to go to the health center for many procedures. However she had to do paperwork, leaving the hospital, the father does not assist in any way.] (J)

[Husband’s mother said ‘I want a grandchild, but I do not want her (the wife)’, and the husband did not mentally support the wife.] (I)

Poor social sensitivity

Unstable economic conditions and poor management of finances

[There is no child seat in the car. Children are left lying in the back seat. He does not spend money on anything necessary like food, clothing…] (J)

[I’m afraid he is not honest about money, he earned money by strange work. At that time his income was about 20 thousand a month.] (F)

Failure to observe social rules, lack of social skills

[Father’s occupation was as a guard man. But, he resigned because of lower back pain. He always stays in his house as he has lower back pain and asthma.] (G)

[Father does not pay when eating out. In addition, he threatens others. The basic reason is that he can’t keep the common social rules.] (D)

Unbalanced relationship with other members of the family

Absence of a balanced relationship with the partner

[They quarrel almost every day. The children worry if the mother is all right.] (L)

[Mental health of the wife became poor because of his vague attitudes. He had refused divorce from his wife, but, they filed for divorce.] (M)

Does not relate to the children and does not respond to the demands of the children

[Father hit children because of interference with a game he is playing.] (E, H)

[He pays attention to only the biological child among several brothers. But he cares for the child when in a good mood, but when in a bad mood… he does not take care of the child.] (B)

Weak relationships with people around the father

Little interchange with people around the father

[Because father has an aggressive manner in the nursery school, people could not approach the father. He does nothing but complain from morning till night. The people around the father avoid him.] (A)

[I have not heard that there is any relationship with the people around the father.] (I, L)

No balanced relationship with the family of the parents

[The family of younger brother lives in the neighborhood, but when they are visiting will not let children play at all.] (K)

[The parents of father lives near the home. But there is no relationship at all. The parents of mother lives near the home, but they cannot be asked to support.] (E, J)